What's in an SPM.mat File?

A while back I attempted to write up a document that summarized everything someone would need to know about using SPM. It was called, I believe, the SPM User's Ultimate Guide: For Alpha Males, By Alpha Males. The title was perhaps a little ambitious, since I stopped updating it after only a few dozen pages. In particular I remember a section where I attempted to tease apart everything contained within the SPM.mat files output after first- and second-level analyses. To me this was the most important section, since complex model setups could be executed fairly easily by someone with a good understanding of Matlab code, but I never completed it.

Fortunately, however, there is someone out there who already vivisected the SPM.mat file and publicly displayed its gruesome remains in the online piazza. Researcher Nikki Sullivan has written an excellent short summary of what each field means, broken down into neat, easily digestible categories. You can find it on her website here, and I have also copied and pasted the information below. It makes an excellent shorthand reference, especially if you've forgotten, for example, where contrast weights are stored in the structure, and don't want to go through the tedium of typing SPM, then SPM.xY, then SPM.xY.VY, and so on.

But if you've forgotten how to rock that body? Girl, ain't no remedy for that.


details on experiment:


SPM.xY.RT - TR length (RT ="repeat time")
SPM.xY.P - matrix of file names
SPM.xY.VY - # of runs x 1 struct array of mapped image volumes (.img file info)
SPM.modality - the data you're using (PET, FMRI, EEG)
SPM.stats.[modality].UFp - critical F-threshold for selecting voxels over which the non-sphericity is estimated (if required) [default: 0.001]
SPM. stats.maxres - maximum number of residual images for smoothness estimation
SPM. stats.maxmem - maximum amount of data processed at a time (in bytes)
SPM.SPMid - version of SPM used
SPM.swd - directory for SPM.mat and img files. default is pwd

basis function:


SPM.xBF.name - name of basis function
SPM.xBF.length - length in seconds of basis
SPM.xBF.order - order of basis set
SPM.xBF.T - number of subdivisions of TR
SPM.xBF.T0 - first time bin (see slice timing)
SPM.xBF.UNITS - options: 'scans'|'secs' for onsets
SPM.xBF.Volterra - order of convolution
SPM.xBF.dt - length of time bin in seconds
SPM.xBF.bf - basis set matrix

Session Stucture:


user-specified covariates/regressors (e.g. motion)
SPM.Sess([sesssion]).C.C - [nxc double] regressor (c#covariates,n#sessions)
SPM.Sess([sesssion]).C.name - names of covariates
conditions & modulators specified - i.e. input structure array
SPM.Sess([sesssion]).U(condition).dt: - time bin length {seconds}
SPM.Sess([sesssion]).U(condition).name - names of conditions
SPM.Sess([sesssion]).U(condition).ons - onset for condition's trials
SPM.Sess([sesssion]).U(condition).dur - duration for condition's trials
SPM.Sess([sesssion]).U(condition).u - (t x j) inputs or stimulus function matrix
SPM.Sess([sesssion]).U(condition).pst - (1 x k) peri-stimulus times (seconds)
parameters/modulators specified
SPM.Sess([sesssion]).U(condition).P - parameter structure/matrix
SPM.Sess([sesssion]).U(condition).P.name - names of modulators/parameters
SPM.Sess([sesssion]).U(condition).P.h - polynomial order of modulating parameter (order of polynomial expansion where 0none)
SPM.Sess([sesssion]).U(condition).P.P - vector of modulating values
SPM.Sess([sesssion]).U(condition).P.P.i - sub-indices of U(i).u for plotting
scan indices for sessions
effect indices for sessions
F Contrast information for input-specific effects
SPM.Sess([sesssion]).Fc.i - F Contrast columns for input-specific effects
SPM.Sess([sesssion]).Fc.name - F Contrast names for input-specific effects
SPM.nscan([session]) - number of scans per session (or if e.g. a t-test, total number of con*.img files)

global variate/normalization details


SPM.xGX.iGXcalc - either "none" or "scaling." for fMRI usually is "none" (no global normalization). if global normalization is "Scaling", see spm_fmri_spm_ui for parameters that will then appear under SPM.xGX.

design matrix information:


SPM.xX.X - Design matrix (raw, not temporally smoothed)
SPM.xX.name - cellstr of parameter names corresponding to columns of design matrix
SPM.xX.I - nScan x 4 matrix of factor level indicators. first column is the replication number. other columns are the levels of each experimental factor. SPM.xX.iH - vector of H partition (indicator variables) indices
SPM.xX.iC - vector of C partition (covariates) indices
SPM.xX.iB - vector of B partition (block effects) indices
SPM.xX.iG - vector of G partition (nuisance variables) indices
SPM.xX.K - cell. low frequency confound: high-pass cutoff (secs)
SPM.xX.K.HParam - low frequency cutoff value
SPM.xX.K.X0 - cosines (high-pass filter)
SPM.xX.W - Optional whitening/weighting matrix used to give weighted least squares estimates (WLS).
  • if not specified spm_spm will set this to whiten the data and render the OLS estimates maximum likelihood i.e. W*W' inv(xVi.V).
SPM.xX.xKXs - space structure for K*W*X, the 'filtered and whitened' design matrix
SPM.xX.xKXs.X - Mtx - matrix of trials and betas (columns) in each trial
SPM.xX.xKXs.tol - tolerance
SPM.xX.xKXs.ds - vectors of singular values
SPM.xX.xKXs.u - u as in X u*diag(ds)*v'
SPM.xX.xKXs.v - v as in X u*diag(ds)*v'
SPM.xX.xKXs.rk - rank
SPM.xX.xKXs.oP - orthogonal projector on X
SPM.xX.xKXs.oPp - orthogonal projector on X'
SPM.xX.xKXs.ups - space in which this one is embedded
SPM.xX.xKXs.sus - subspace
SPM.xX.pKX - pseudoinverse of K*W*X, computed by spm_sp
SPM.xX.Bcov - xX.pKX*xX.V*xX.pKX - variance-covariance matrix of parameter estimates (when multiplied by the voxel-specific hyperparameter ResMS of the parameter estimates (ResSS/xX.trRV ResMS) )
SPM.xX.trRV - trace of R*V
SPM.xX.trRVRV - trace of RVRV
SPM.xX.erdf - effective residual degrees of freedom (trRV^2/trRVRV)
SPM.xX.nKX - design matrix (xX.xKXs.X) scaled for display (see spm_DesMtx('sca',... for details) SPM.xX.sF - cellstr of factor names (columns in SPM.xX.I, i think) SPM.xX.D - struct, design definition SPM.xX.xVi - correlation constraints (see non-sphericity below) SPM.xC - struct. array of covariate info

header info


SPM.P - a matrix of filenames
SPM.V - a vector of structures containing image volume information.
SPM.V.fname - the filename of the image.
SPM.V.dim - the x, y and z dimensions of the volume
SPM.V.dt - A 1x2 array. First element is datatype (see spm_type). The second is 1 or 0 depending on the endian-ness.
SPM.V.mat- a 4x4 affine transformation matrix mapping from voxel coordinates to real world coordinates.
SPM.V.pinfo - plane info for each plane of the volume.
SPM.V.pinfo(1,:) - scale for each plane
SPM.V.pinfo(2,:) - offset for each plane The true voxel intensities of the jth image are given by: val*V.pinfo(1,j) + V.pinfo(2,j)
SPM.V.pinfo(3,:) - offset into image (in bytes).If the size of pinfo is 3x1, then the volume is assumed to be contiguous and each plane has the same scalefactor and offset.

structure describing intrinsic temporal non-sphericity


SPM.xVi.I - typically the same as SPM.xX.I SPM.xVi.h - hyperparameters
SPM.xVi.V xVi.h(1)*xVi.Vi{1} + ...
SPM.xVi.Cy - spatially whitened (used by ReML to estimate h)
SPM.xVi.CY - <(Y - )*(Y - )'>(used by spm_spm_Bayes)
SPM.xVi.Vi - array of non-sphericity components

  • defaults to {speye(size(xX.X,1))} - i.ii.d.
  • specifying a cell array of contraints ((Qi)
  • These contraints invoke spm_reml to estimate hyperparameters assuming V is constant over voxels that provide a high precise estimate of xX.V
SPM.xVi.form - form of non-sphericity (either 'none' or 'AR(1)')
SPM.xX.V - Optional non-sphericity matrix. CCov(e)sigma^2*V.
  • If not specified spm_spm will compute this using a 1st pass to identify signifcant voxels over which to estimate V. A 2nd pass is then used to re-estimate the parameters with WLS and save the ML estimates (unless xX.W is already specified)

filtering information


SPM.K - filter matrix or filtered structure:
  • SPM.K(s) - struct array containing partition-specific specifications
  • SPM.K(s).RT - observation interval in seconds
  • SPM.K(s).row - row of Y constituting block/partitions
  • SPM.K(s).HParam - cut-off period in seconds
  • SPM.K(s).X0 - low frequencies to be removed (DCT)
  • SPM.Y - filtered data matrix

masking information


SPM.xM - Structure containing masking information, or a simple column vector of thresholds corresponding to the images in VY.
SPM.xM.T - [n x 1 double] - Masking index
SPM.xM.TH - nVar x nScan matrix of analysis thresholds, one per image
SPM.xM.I - Implicit masking (0 --> none; 1 --> implicit zero/NaN mask)
SPM.xM.VM - struct array of mapped explicit mask image volumes
SPM.xM.xs - [1x1 struct] cellstr description

design information (self-explanatory names, for once) 


SPM.xsDes.Basis_functions - type of basis function

details on scannerdata (e.g. smoothness) 


SPM.xVol - structure containing details of volume analyzed
SPM.xVol.M- 4x4 voxel --> mm transformation matrix
SPM.xVol.iM - 4x4 mm --> voxel transformation matrix
SPM.xVol.DIM - image dimensions - column vector (in voxels)
SPM.xVol.XYZ - 3 x S vector of in-mask voxel coordinates
SPM.xVol.S- Lebesgue measure or volume (in voxels)
SPM.xVol.R- vector of resel counts (in resels)
SPM.xVol.FWHM - Smoothness of components - FWHM, (in voxels)

info on beta files:


SPM.Vbeta - struct array of beta image handles
SPM.Vbeta.fname - beta img file names
SPM.Vbeta.descrip - names for each beta file

info on variance of the error


SPM.VResMS - file struct of ResMS image handle
SPM.VResMS.fname - variance of error file name

info on mask


SPM.VM - file struct of Mask image handle
SPM.VM.fname - name of mask img file

contrast details (added after running contrasts)


SPM.xCon - Contrast definitions structure array
  • (see also spm_FcUtil.m for structure, rules &handling)
SPM.xCon.name - Contrast name
SPM.xCon.STAT - Statistic indicator character ('T', 'F' or 'P')
SPM.xCon.c - Contrast weights (column vector contrasts)
SPM.xCon.X0 - Reduced design matrix data (spans design space under Ho)
  • Stored as coordinates in the orthogonal basis of xX.X from spm_sp
  • (Matrix in SPM99b)
  • Extract using X0 spm_FcUtil('X0',...
SPM.xCon.iX0 - Indicates how contrast was specified:
  • If by columns for reduced design matrix then iX0 contains the column indices.
  • Otherwise, it's a string containing the spm_FcUtil 'Set' action: Usually one of {'c','c+','X0'} defines the indices of the columns that will not be tested. Can be empty.
SPM.xCon.X1o - Remaining design space data (X1o is orthogonal to X0)
  • Stored as coordinates in the orthogonal basis of xX.X from spm_sp (Matrix in SPM99b) Extract using X1o spm_FcUtil('X1o',...
SPM.xCon.eidf - Effective interest degrees of freedom (numerator df)
  • Or effect-size threshold for Posterior probability
SPM.xCon.Vcon - Name of contrast (for 'T's) or ESS (for 'F's) image
SPM.xCon.Vspm - Name of SPM image

Using SPM.mat to Stay on Track (II)

Previously I discoursed at length upon the fatalistic nature of FMRI analysis, and how it leads to disorientation, depression, anxiety, and, finally, insanity. Those who are engaged in such a hopeless enterprise are easily identified by the voids that swirl like endless whorls within their eyes. I once knew a man driven out of his wits by just such an interminable cycle; he was found five days later on the sandy deserts of southern Indiana, ragged and filthy and babbling in alien tongues, scraping with pottery shards the boils that stippled his skin as though they had been painted on. Curse SPM, and die.

For those willing to prolong their agony, however, it is useful to know exactly what is contained within the SPM structure. Although not well-documented (if at all) on the SPM website, there are vast riches of information you can assay within the depths of the scripts themselves, which can be found in your spm8/spm5 library. (If they are in your path, you should be able to open them from anywhere; e.g., using a command such as "open spm_getSPM".) I have copied and pasted below the information from three such scripts, as well as a brief description about what they do. Good fortune to you.


1) spm_getSPM: Provides information about the xSPM structure which is updated each time Results are loaded and viewed

function [SPM,xSPM] = spm_getSPM(varargin)
% computes a specified and thresholded SPM/PPM following parameter estimation
% FORMAT [SPM,xSPM] = spm_getSPM;
% Query SPM in interactive mode.
% FORMAT [SPM,xSPM] = spm_getSPM(xSPM);
% Query SPM in batch mode. See below for a description of fields that may
% be present in xSPM input. Values for missing fields will be queried
% interactively.
% xSPM      - structure containing SPM, distribution & filtering details
% .swd      - SPM working directory - directory containing current SPM.mat
% .title    - title for comparison (string)
% .Z        - minimum of Statistics {filtered on u and k}
% .n        - conjunction number <= number of contrasts       
% .STAT     - distribution {Z, T, X, F or P}    
% .df       - degrees of freedom [df{interest}, df{residual}]
% .STATstr  - description string    
% .Ic       - indices of contrasts (in SPM.xCon)
% .Im       - indices of masking contrasts (in xCon)
% .pm       - p-value for masking (uncorrected)
% .Ex       - flag for exclusive or inclusive masking
% .u        - height threshold
% .k        - extent threshold {voxels}
% .XYZ      - location of voxels {voxel coords}
% .XYZmm    - location of voxels {mm}
% .S        - search Volume {voxels}
% .R        - search Volume {resels}
% .FWHM     - smoothness {voxels}    
% .M        - voxels -> mm matrix
% .iM       - mm -> voxels matrix
% .VOX      - voxel dimensions {mm} - column vector
% .DIM      - image dimensions {voxels} - column vector
% .Vspm     - Mapped statistic image(s)
% .Ps       - list of P values for voxels at SPM.xVol.XYZ (used by FDR)
% .thresDesc - description of height threshold (string)
% Required fields of SPM
% xVol   - structure containing details of volume analysed
% xX     - Design Matrix structure
%        - (see spm_spm.m for structure)
% xCon   - Contrast definitions structure array
%        - (see also spm_FcUtil.m for structure, rules & handling)
% .name  - Contrast name
% .STAT  - Statistic indicator character ('T', 'F' or 'P')
% .c     - Contrast weights (column vector contrasts)
% .X0    - Reduced design matrix data (spans design space under Ho)
%          Stored as coordinates in the orthogonal basis of xX.X from spm_sp
%          (Matrix in SPM99b)  Extract using X0 = spm_FcUtil('X0',...
% .iX0   - Indicates how contrast was specified:
%          If by columns for reduced design matrix then iX0 contains the
%          column indices. Otherwise, it's a string containing the
%          spm_FcUtil 'Set' action: Usually one of {'c','c+','X0'}
% .X1o   - Remaining design space data (X1o is orthogonal to X0)
%          Stored as coordinates in the orthogonal basis of xX.X from spm_sp
%          (Matrix in SPM99b)  Extract using X1o = spm_FcUtil('X1o',...
% .eidf  - Effective interest degrees of freedom (numerator df)
%        - Or effect-size threshold for Posterior probability
% .Vcon  - Name of contrast (for 'T's) or ESS (for 'F's) image
% .Vspm  - Name of SPM image
% Evaluated fields in xSPM (input)
% xSPM      - structure containing SPM, distribution & filtering details
% .swd      - SPM working directory - directory containing current SPM.mat
% .title    - title for comparison (string)
% .Ic       - indices of contrasts (in SPM.xCon)
% .Im       - indices of masking contrasts (in xCon)
% .pm       - p-value for masking (uncorrected)
% .Ex       - flag for exclusive or inclusive masking
% .u        - height threshold
% .k        - extent threshold {voxels}
% .thresDesc - description of height threshold (string)
% In addition, the xCon structure is updated. For newly evaluated
% contrasts, SPM images (spmT_????.{img,hdr}) are written, along with
% contrast (con_????.{img,hdr}) images for SPM{T}'s, or Extra
% Sum-of-Squares images (ess_????.{img,hdr}) for SPM{F}'s.

2) spm_spm: Command to estimate the general linear model for a dataset; contains information common to both 1st and 2nd-level SPM.mat files

function [SPM] = spm_spm(SPM)
% [Re]ML Estimation of a General Linear Model
% FORMAT [SPM] = spm_spm(SPM)
% required fields of SPM:
% xY.VY - nScan x 1 struct array of mapped image volumes
%         Images must have the same orientation, voxel size and data type
%       - Any scaling should have already been applied via the image handle
%         scalefactors.
% xX    - Structure containing design matrix information
%       - Required fields are:
%         xX.X      - Design matrix (raw, not temporally smoothed)
%         xX.name   - cellstr of parameter names corresponding to columns
%                     of design matrix
%       - Optional fields are:
%         xX.K      - cell of session-specific structures (see spm_filter)
%                   - Design & data are pre-multiplied by K
%                     (K*Y = K*X*beta + K*e)
%                   - Note that K should not smooth across block boundaries
%                   - defaults to speye(size(xX.X,1))
%         xX.W      - Optional whitening/weighting matrix used to give
%                     weighted least squares estimates (WLS). If not specified
%                     spm_spm will set this to whiten the data and render
%                     the OLS estimates maximum likelihood
%                     i.e. W*W' = inv(xVi.V).
% xVi   - structure describing intrinsic temporal non-sphericity
%       - required fields are:
%         xVi.Vi    - array of non-sphericity components
%                   - defaults to {speye(size(xX.X,1))} - i.i.d.
%                   - specifying a cell array of constraints (Qi)
%                     These constraints invoke spm_reml to estimate
%                     hyperparameters assuming V is constant over voxels.
%                     that provide a high precise estimate of xX.V
%       - Optional fields are:
%         xX.V      - Optional non-sphericity matrix.  Cov(e) = sigma^2*V
%                     If not specified spm_spm will compute this using
%                     a 1st pass to identify significant voxels over which
%                     to estimate V.  A 2nd pass is then used to re-estimate
%                     the parameters with WLS and save the ML estimates
%                     (unless xX.W is already specified)
% xM    - Structure containing masking information, or a simple column vector
%         of thresholds corresponding to the images in VY.
%       - If a structure, the required fields are:
%         xM.TH - nVar x nScan matrix of analysis thresholds, one per image
%         xM.I  - Implicit masking (0=>none, 1 => implicit zero/NaN mask)
%         xM.VM - struct array of mapped explicit mask image volumes
%       - (empty if no explicit masks)
%               - Explicit mask images are >0 for valid voxels to assess.
%               - Mask images can have any orientation, voxel size or data
%                 type. They are interpolated using nearest neighbour
%                 interpolation to the voxel locations of the data Y.
%       - Note that voxels with constant data (i.e. the same value across
%         scans) are also automatically masked out.
% The following SPM.fields are set by spm_spm (unless specified)
%     xVi.V      - estimated non-sphericity trace(V) = rank(V)
%     xVi.h      - hyperparameters  xVi.V = xVi.h(1)*xVi.Vi{1} + ...
%     xVi.Cy     - spatially whitened (used by ReML to estimate h)
%     xVi.CY     - <(Y - )*(Y - )'>    (used by spm_spm_Bayes)
%                           ----------------
%     Vbeta     - struct array of beta image handles (relative)
%     VResMS    - file struct of ResMS image handle  (relative)
%     VM        - file struct of Mask  image handle  (relative)
%                           ----------------
%     xX.W      - if not specified W*W' = inv(x.Vi.V)
%     xX.V      - V matrix (K*W*Vi*W'*K') = correlations after K*W is applied
%     xX.xKXs   - space structure for K*W*X, the 'filtered and whitened'
%                 design matrix
%               - given as spm_sp('Set',xX.K*xX.W*xX.X) - see spm_sp
%     xX.pKX    - pseudoinverse of K*W*X, computed by spm_sp
%     xX.Bcov   - xX.pKX*xX.V*xX.pKX - variance-covariance matrix of
%                 parameter estimates
%         (when multiplied by the voxel-specific hyperparameter ResMS)
%                 (of the parameter estimates. (ResSS/xX.trRV = ResMS)    )
%     xX.trRV   - trace of R*V, computed efficiently by spm_SpUtil
%     xX.trRVRV - trace of RVRV
%     xX.erdf   - effective residual degrees of freedom (trRV^2/trRVRV)
%     xX.nKX    - design matrix (xX.xKXs.X) scaled for display
%                 (see spm_DesMtx('sca',... for details)
%                           ----------------
%     xVol.M    - 4x4 voxel->mm transformation matrix
%     xVol.iM   - 4x4 mm->voxel transformation matrix
%     xVol.DIM  - image dimensions - column vector (in voxels)
%     xVol.XYZ  - 3 x S vector of in-mask voxel coordinates
%     xVol.S    - Lebesgue measure or volume       (in voxels)
%     xVol.R    - vector of resel counts           (in resels)
%     xVol.FWHM - Smoothness of components - FWHM, (in voxels)
%                           ----------------
% xCon  - See Christensen for details of F-contrasts.  These are specified
%         at the end of spm_spm after the non-sphericity V has been defined
%         or estimated. The fist contrast tests for all effects of interest
%         assuming xX.iB and xX.iG index confounding or nuisance effects.
%     xCon      - Contrast structure (created by spm_FcUtil.m)
%     xCon.name - Name of contrast
%     xCon.STAT - 'F', 'T' or 'P' - for F/T-contrast ('P' for PPMs)
%     xCon.c    - (F) Contrast weights
%     xCon.X0   - Reduced design matrix (spans design space under Ho)
%                 It is in the form of a matrix (spm99b) or the
%                 coordinates of this matrix in the orthogonal basis
%                 of xX.X defined in spm_sp.
%     xCon.iX0  - Indicates how contrast was specified:
%                 If by columns for reduced design matrix then iX0 contains the
%                 column indices. Otherwise, it's a string containing the
%                 spm_FcUtil 'Set' action: Usually one of {'c','c+','X0'}
%                 (Usually this is the input argument F_iX0.)
%     xCon.X1o  - Remaining design space (orthogonal to X0).
%                 It is in the form of a matrix (spm99b) or the
%                 coordinates of this matrix in the orthogonal basis
%                 of xX.X defined in spm_sp.
%     xCon.eidf - Effective interest degrees of freedom (numerator df)
%     xCon.Vcon - ...for handle of contrast/ESS image (empty at this stage)
%     xCon.Vspm - ...for handle of SPM image (empty at this stage)
%                           ----------------
% The following images are written to file
% mask.{img,hdr}                                   - analysis mask image
% 8-bit (uint8) image of zero-s & one's indicating which voxels were
% included in the analysis. This mask image is the intersection of the
% explicit, implicit and threshold masks specified in the xM argument.
% The XYZ matrix contains the voxel coordinates of all voxels in the
% analysis mask. The mask image is included for reference, but is not
% explicitly used by the results section.
%                           ----------------
% beta_????.{img,hdr}                                 - parameter images
% These are 16-bit (float) images of the parameter estimates. The image
% files are numbered according to the corresponding column of the
% design matrix. Voxels outside the analysis mask (mask.img) are given
% value NaN.
%                           ----------------
% ResMS.{img,hdr}                    - estimated residual variance image
% This is a 32-bit (double) image of the residual variance estimate.
% Voxels outside the analysis mask are given value NaN.
%                           ----------------
% RPV.{img,hdr}                      - estimated resels per voxel image
% This is a 32-bit (double) image of the RESELs per voxel estimate.
% Voxels outside the analysis mask are given value 0.  These images
% reflect the nonstationary aspects the spatial autocorrelations.

3) spm_fMRI_design: Contains information for 1st-level SPM.mat files (e.g., the basis function and session information for that GLM).

function [SPM] = spm_fMRI_design(SPM,save_SPM)
% Assembles a design for fMRI studies
% FORMAT [SPM] = spm_fMRI_design(SPM)
% 1st level
% SPM.
%       xY: [1x1 struct] - data structure
%    nscan: [1xs double] - nscan(s) = number of scans in session s
%      xBF: [1x1 struct] - Basis function structure
%     Sess: [1xs struct] - Session structure array
%       xX: [1x1 struct] - Design matrix structure
%    2nd level
%    -----------------------------------------------------------------------
%    SPM.xY
%           RT: - repetition time {seconds)
%    SPM.xBF
%            T: - number of time bins per scan
%           T0: - first time bin (see slice timing)
%        UNITS: - 'scans'|'secs' - units in which onsets are specified
%     Volterra: - 1|2 - order of [Volterra] convolution
%           dt: - length of time bin {seconds}
%         name: - name of basis set
%       length: - support of basis set {seconds}
%        order: - order of basis set
%           bf: - basis set matrix
%    SPM.Sess(s)
%            U: - Input structure array
%            C: - User specified covariate structure
%          row: - scan   indices for session s
%          col: - effect indices for session s
%           Fc: - F Contrast information for input-specific effects
%    SPM.xX
%            X: - design matrix
%           iH: - vector of H partition (indicator variables) indices
%           iC: - vector of C partition (covariates)          indices
%           iB: - vector of B partition (block effects)          indices
%           iG: - vector of G partition (nuisance variables)  indices
%         name: - cellstr of names for design matrix columns
%        3rd level
%        -------------------------------------------------------------------
%        SPM.Sess(s).U
%               dt: - time bin length {seconds}
%             name: - {1 x j} cell of names for each input or cause
%              ons: - (q x 1) onsets for q  trials {in UNITS}
%              dur: - (q x 1) durations for trials {in UNITS}
%                P: - Parameter stucture
%                u: - (t x j) inputs or stimulus function matrix
%              pst: - (1 x k) peristimulus times (seconds)
%        SPM.Sess(s).C    
%                C: - [kx1 double] of user specified regressors
%             name: - {1xk} cellstr of regressor names
%        SPM.Sess(s).Fc    
%                i: - F Contrast colums for input-specific effects
%             name: - F Contrast names  for input-specific effects
%            4th level
%            ---------------------------------------------------------------
%            SPM.Sess(s).U(i).P(p)
%                 name: - parameter name
%                    P: - (q x 1) parameter matrix
%                    h: - order of polynomial expansion (0 = none)
%                    i: - sub-indices of U(i).u for plotting

Thanks to Will Moore. When he's right, he's right; when he's wrong, he's dead wrong. But when he's right...he's really right.

Using SPM.mat to Stay on Track

Life, I have observed, is a constant struggle between our civilized taste for the clean, the neat, and the orderly, on the one hand, and the untrammeled powers of disorganization, disorder, and chaos, on the other. We feel compelled to organize our household and our domestic sphere, including the arrangement of books and DVDs in alphabetical order, placing large items such as vacuum cleaners and plungers in sensible locations when we are done with them, and cleaning and putting away the dishes at least once a week. However, this all takes time and effort, which is anathema to our modern tendency to demand everything immediately.

The same is true - especially, painfully true - in analyzing neuroimaging data. Due to the sheer bulk of data collected during the course of a typical study, and the continual and irresponsible reproduction and multiplication of files, numbers, and images for each analysis, dealing with such a formidable and ever-increasing mountain of information can be paralyzing. The other day, for example, I was requested to run an analysis similar to another analysis I had done many months before; but with little idea of how I had done the first analysis in the first place, I was at a complete loss as to where to start. Foreseeing scenarios such as this, I had taken the precaution to place a trail of text files in each directory where I had performed a step or changed a file, in the hopes that it would enslicken my brain and guide me back into the mental grooves of where I had been previously. However, a quick scan of the document made my heart sink like an overkneaded loaf of whole wheat bread, as I realized deciphering my original intentions would baffle the most intrepid cryptologist. Take, for example, the following:

20 July 2011
Input data into cell matrix of dimensions 30x142x73; covariates entered every other row, in order to account for working memory span, self-report measure of average anxiety levels after 7pm, and onset of latest menstrual cycle. Transposed matrix to factor out singular eigenvariates and determinants, then convolved with triple-gamma hemodynamic response function to filter out Nyquist frequency, followed by reverse deconvolution and arrangement of contrast images into pseudo-Pascal's Triangle. I need scissors! 61!

Deepening my confusion was a list of cross-references to handwritten notes I had scribbled and scrawled in the margins of notebooks and journals over the course of months and years, quite valuable back then, quite forgotten now, as leafing through the pages yielded no clue about when it was written (I am terrible at remembering to mark down dates), or what experiment the notes were about. But just as the flame of hope is about to be snuffed out forever, I usually espy a reference to a document located once again on my computer in a Dropbox folder, and I am filled with not so much pride or hope, as gladness at some end descried; which invariably sets me again on a wild goose chase through the Byzantine bowels of our server, which, if not precisely yielding any concrete result, at least makes me feel stressed and harried, and therefore productive.

Imagine my consternation then, during the latest round of reference-chasing, when I came to the point where I could go no further; where there was not even a chemical trace of where to go next, or what, exactly, I was looking for in the first place. My mind reeled; my spine turned to wax; my soul sank faster than the discharge of a fiberless diet. At wit's end, I cast about for a solution to my predicament, as I mentally listed my options. Ask for help? Out of the question; as an eminently and internationally respected neuroscience blogger, to admit ignorance or incompetence in anything would be a public relations disaster. Give up? As fond a subscriber as I am to the notion that discretion is the better part of valor, and as true a believer as any that there is nothing shameful, base, or humiliating about retreating, surrendering, or rearguard actions, this situation hardly seemed to merit my abject capitulation; and deep down I knew that overcoming this obstacle and chronicling my struggle would inspire my children and grandchildren to similar feats of bravery.

And so it was precisely at this moment, at the nadir of my existence, in the slough of despond, that, through either the random firing of two truculent interneurons in my hippocampus or through intervention by the divine hand of Providence, I had a sudden epiphany. The circumstances of my present situation echoed parallels to the gruesome detective stories I used to read as a child straight before bedtime, and I imagined myself standing in the shoes of a fleabitten detective attempting to piece together the origin and denouement of a puzzling murder, as in Gore by the Gallon or Severed Throats; and I therefore reasoned that, as every strangulation, bludgeoning, shooting, stabbing, poisoning, drowning, and asphyxiation leave traces of their author, so too must each analysis bear the fingerprint of its researcher. Straightaway I navigated to the directory of the analysis I was attempting to replicate, loaded the SPM.mat file into memory, displayed its contents, and quickly realized that I had no idea what any of it meant.

Thus, although the output of the SPM.mat file appears to me as hieroglyphs, I have faith that a more experienced user will know what they mean; and it still stands to reason that these files do contain everything that was done to create them, much as the strands of genetic information coursing through our bodies are virtual volumes of the history of the gonads and gametes from whence they came. I encourage the beginning neuroimager to be aware of this, as the designers of these software packages have proved far more prescient than we, and have installed safeguards to prevent us from the ill effects of our own miserable disorganization.

Design Efficiency: Part 2 (SPM)

As an addendum to the previous post detailing looking at regressor correlations in AFNI, a similar procedure can be done in SPM. After specifying a first-level, an SPM.mat design matrix should be generated. Navigate to the directory containing the SPM.mat file, and type "load SPM.mat".

The contents of the SPM.mat file can then be listed by just typing SPM (all caps). Running the following command will produce a NxN matrix (with N = number of regressors):


Matching up each column to each regressor can be found in the output of SPM.xX.name