Website Updates

What’s New?

Although most of my time has been spent on the e-book, recently I have made a few updates to this website as well. The Research section has been removed, since that is no longer the focus of my work; a couple of new Workshops have been added; and the Publications and CV pages have been updated.

For those looking for new training walkthroughs, the Videos gallery now contains four new playlists:

  1. Standardized Preprocessing with fMRIPrep;

  2. Diffusion Analysis with MRtrix;

  3. Connectivity Analysis with the CONN Toolbox; and

  4. fMRI Analysis with SPM.

In addition to these new materials, right now I am working on a series on machine learning with The Decoding Toolbox, which can be found on Andy’s Brain Book; it should be finished by mid-December, which will be a nice Christmas present for those who can’t get any results from their data and are desperately looking for some new method to throw at it. When it is completed I will post a summary on this blog, along with other software packages you can use for MVPA.

Aside from training videos, I also happened to come across some pictures taken over the past couple of years from workshops and conferences; seeing them brought a smile to my face, and inspired me to create a new page, the Hall of Fame. Next time we see each other, make sure to stop by for a picture, and make your friends insanely jealous! We all know you want them to feel as terrible as possible, and I’m more than happy to help you with that.

And if you want to make your friends absolutely insensate with rage and choked-back venom, you can choose to hire me as a personal consultant to help with your analysis - either for one-on-one sessions or for helping the entire lab. Although I answer emails from everyone regardless, setting up a contract will provide you with customized instruction, analysis scripts, and recurring meetings. If you are interested and would like to know more, please contact me through this link. (Note: Given my regular work schedule, meetings may have to be scheduled during evenings or the weekend.)

What’s Next?

After putting most of my effort into creating and promoting Andy’s Brain Book, I feel the desire to write a post here once in a while; I miss it, especially after what seems like a hiatus of a few years. While the e-book is more formal and standardized to make it accessible to everybody - no digressions about Cormac McCarthy novels, no jokes about Tom Cruise’s height, no links to clips of Black Dynamite to reinforce a point - the blog is a more informal place for explaining fMRI concepts in unorthodox ways. I also have recently felt the need to let people know what’s on my mind; important things, such as fundraising ideas to make even more money so that I can feast at Tomukun every day; ideas for a web series centered around my traumatic experiences during graduate school that would bring laughter and joy to everyone in academia; and recommendations for books and music that others may find interesting. Stay tuned for all this, and more.