AFNI Command: 3dUnifize

Are you disgusted with the way your T1-weighted images look? Trying to reduce the intensity imbalance in your anatomical? When your friends tell you that your structural looks "fine", do you find yourself not really believing them? If so, then 3dUnifize can help. Simply supply a prefix for the output dataset and the name of your anatomical image, and thirty seconds later you have a relatively balanced T1 image.

To be honest, probably very few, if any, people will use this program. However, it does draw attention to the ability to look up and check on intensity values of your images, as this can be a useful diagnostic tool in some cases. Once you've loaded up the AFNI GUI click on the Overlay tab and look at the values to the right of the ULay (Underlay) and OLay (Overlay) labels. These will provide the intensity of the image, whether in arbitrary units - for example, if you had a raw T1- or T2-weighted image loaded - or statistical values, such as when you overlay a t-map.

Also, due to a recent purge in the lab, I am now officially moved in to a new office. More exciting details about my life, plus an obnoxiously loud computer fan, can be found in the following video.